Monday, November 8, 2010

SwagBooth : List Your Contests Here!

Welcome to the SwagBooth, fellow Swaggernauts! 

This solicitation is in no way associated with, endorsed by or run in conjunction with TSG, or any of its partners. Neither TSG, or any of its partners make any guarantees as to the legitimacy of this promotion or its results. Always exercise caution when sharing any sensitive, personal information.
 This blog is the voting booth for (hopefully) all swagger contests and giveaways. The goal is to have all the links in one place, a ballot so to speak. We can go down the list & click click click! When we're done, we can post a comment listing which ones we voted for, by numbers. For example, "Good morning! I voted for 1-7 but 8 wasn't working and 9 won't let me vote yet. Good luck!"

That way we can 1: have a much easier way to keep up with it all, without getting faceback notifications all day when someone else posts too and B: hopefully clean up the discussion boards so that more real discussions can take place without being pushed down by all the swagvotes! :D

So PM me on facebook,  leave a link in a comment here, or send it to JennySweets at Swagbucks! And when a contest ends, please notify me so I can announce the results on SwagMelt, and the winner if you are giving away a gift card. :) Make sure I know when I post the link if it's a giveaway contest, & what the terms of the giveaway are.

Now is the time to list your contests on the ballot! New Swaggernauts arrive every day and fall in love with Swagbucks. They become new members of our facebook family.  They want to help you out. They just want an easier way to help!  

Voters, check back daily for updated ballots, look for alerts on the Swagbucks Facebook wall when new contests have been added, and check for your name in the winners lists!

We've got 8 open contests, I will be adding as people send me their links. I hope this makes it easier for everyone, and more fun too :) Keep the SwagBooth in mind for your contests next month!


If you can't or don't vote for someone, note that too. We want to keep it easy for the contestants to track who's voting if they are having a giveaway!


1: Debbie Mayne   "Parasailing"  CLOSED! Winner announced Nov 5

2: Fallen Pixels  "Quincy the Cat!"   CLOSED!  Winner Announced Soon

3: Laura Carey  "Echo the Puppy"  CLOSED! Winner Announced Soon

4: Marcella Cook  "Monster Caterpillar"  CLOSED!  Winner Announced Soon

5: Dawn Fillinger   "Rock and Roll Cowgirl"   ONE TIME ONLY. Like Here 1st time, & post "Dawn Fillinger sent me"  Here 
Needs 50 more comments to win Ends Dec 10

6: Nicole Swaghelper   "Bracelet 4 Me, AGC for You?"  Click Vote For This Design. $10 AGC giveaway if top 3, $5 AGC otherwise!

7: Melissa Hasty  "Photo Contest"  Scroll down to Photo Contest. Picture 52, 2 boys in black & red t-shirts. Press Vote. Two $5 AGC given randomly to voters at contest end. Ends Nov 25

8:  Swaggin Crow  "Machinima RealmONE TIME ONLY. Like Here 1st time, then Like & comment with "Pick Swaggin Crow Machinima Realm!"  Here.  Ends Nov 7

9: Stephanie Morrison  "New Love"  Press the Thumbs Up picture. Ends Feb 1

10: Marcella Cook  "Monster Caterpillar 2"  Press Vote Now.$5 AGC if she wins. Ends Nov 9

11: Marcella Cook "Monster Caterpillar 3"   Press Vote Now. $5 AGC if she wins. Ends Nov 5

12: Marcella Cook "Monster Caterpillar 4"   Press Vote Now. $5 AGC if she wins. Ends Nov 14

*********W I N N E R ' S    L I S T**********

Tracy Wheeler's  "Sarah the Ladybug" and  Michell Torregrossa-Kaul's  "Home-Moo'd Cow Cutie" were in the running for the same contest. Unfortunately, there can be only one winner.

Congratulations Michell! 

This is from Michell's post on Swagbucks Facebook - what she won and what she did with her prize! 

Thanks Jennifer! I actually donated my Prize an $80 Wheelybug to a family of kids that just lost both parents....

BUT the sponsors were soo Pleased with my donation  that they are sending me a $110 Balance Bike!!!

What an amazing company!! 
INDEED! Very, Very cool!!

(Send in the names of your winners so I can post them here and on the SwagBooth discussion thread.)

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